Creating and amending email templates


Creating email templates

Under 'configs' via the top menu bar, select the option 'communication templates'. This will display a list of communication templates that already exist. To create a new one, select 'Create new template' in the far right on the screen. Fill in the fields as required on the screen, starting with selecting the template type (an email or an interface blurb for example), template grouping, template name, template subject, header and footer. 

Just to note: Template grouping allows for templates to be categorised under a specific group which helps when filtering the templates.

Merge fields (the field situated in the far right) allows for fields to be automatically selected and applied within the template. For example, by using a merge field for event name means that the appropriate event will display depending on what the applicant has chosen during the registration process or the event that has been assigned to them. 

Amending email templates

To locate an email template, go to 'configs' and select 'communication template'. A list of templates then displays. A search can applied by filtering the templates either by name, grouping or type. Once the template is found, click the edit button to the far left on the screen. This brings up the template and from here can be amended and saved.



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