How to bulk register from previous event in group accounts


Bulk registering from a previous event brings registrants for a previous event over to your new event without the need to manually fill out a register form. This can be used for recurring staff and saves time when preparing for your next event.

This article will walk you through how to register people in bulk from a previous event

Bulk Registering is handled through your RO Login. To start click on RO Login and select your Responsible Organisation from the dropdown.

You will then be brought through to your events page where you can select the event you are looking to enrol your registrants to.


Once here you are looking to click on the Bulk Register from Previous button, this will bring you through to a page where you can export an excel spreadsheet template of all previous registrants.


You can then remove anyone from the spreadsheet, who you are not looking to bring over to the next event. Once done, we’ll import the applicants once you hit the “Choose File” button. 


You will then see a confirmation message in green.

Your applicants will be pushed through to your Event and receive any relevant communication from this.

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