Submitting a support request



To submit a support request in Resource Centre

  1. Click Submit a request at the top of the page.
  2. As you enter a subject, a list of suggested articles appears. You can click one of the articles instead of submitting the request.
  3. Add any attachments.
  4. The file size limits are 1 MB for Essential, 7 MB for Team, and 20 MB for Professional and Enterprise.
  5. Click Submit.

Tracking your support requests

You can use the Help Center to track your support requests.

If you belong to multiple organisations, you can also change the organisation for a support request when you view it in Resource Centre.

To track your support requests

  1. Click your profile icon on the upper-right side of any Resource Centre page, and then click My activities.
  2. To filter your requests by status, select a request status from the Status menu.
    • Open is a ticket that's been assigned to an agent who is working to resolve it.
    • Awaiting your reply is a ticket that's been assigned to an agent, but the agent is waiting for more information from you before resolving the ticket.
    • Solved is displayed when work on the ticket is complete.
  3. To search your requests, enter a search term in the Search Requests box.
  4. To see details about a request, click the request title.
  5. If the ticket to Open or Pending you can add further information to the ticket and submit if required

Marking a request as solved

You can withdraw a request by marking it as solved. The request must be assigned to an agent before you can mark it as solved.

To mark a request as solved

  1. Click your profile icon in the upper-right side of any page, and then click My activities.
  2. Click the title of an open request to open it.
  3. Select the option on the lower side of the request to mark it as solved.
  4. Enter any comment you want in the reply and click Add Reply.

Creating a follow-up to a solved request

You can reopen a solved request by creating a follow-up ticket.

To create a follow-up to a solved request

  1. Click your profile icon in the upper-right side of any page, and then click My activities.
  2. Click All my requests in the sidebar.
  3. Click the title of a solved request to open it.
  4. Click the link on the lower side of the request to create a follow-up request.
  5. Complete the follow-up request and click Submit.
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