About the Company


Background on Accreditation

In today’s climate it has never been more important to understand exactly who is onsite within your stadium at any given time, not to mention peace of mind to guarantee the safety of all staff and visitors attending or travelling to major sporting events across the world. In fact, the onus has never been so high for stadium management and security officers to protect their stadium and to ensure public safety from
illegal workers, fraudulent activity or worse, the insider threat. That’s why at Accredit Solutions we’ve been thinking ahead and have developed the UK’s market leading system for Event Day accreditation and
day to day visitors and contractors. Accredit Solutions provides the most state of the art accreditation software platforms for a variety of sporting tournaments, political meetings and conferences, major events and stadiums.

Over the past 15 years, Accredit has produced accreditation systems for major organisations, associations and events including Arsenal FC and the Emirates Stadium, Rugby Football Union and Twickenham Stadium, Manchester City FC and Etihad Stadium, Chelsea FC and Stamford Bridge ,The Labour Party, The Thames Diamond Jubilee Pageant, The United Nations, London Fashion Week, England Cricket Board (ECB) and the International Cricket Council (ICC), The Brit Awards, The Abu Dhabi Formula 1 Grand Prix, Glasgow Commonwealth Games, Rio 2016 Olympic Committee as well as premier venues and stadiums. We act as an extension of your security, safety and operations teams offering functionality to enhance and streamline existing processes in each of these areas. Unlike other accreditation companies we are 100% focused on accreditation, and as such, have a wealth of experience delivering bespoke system builds on behalf of our clients, which has helped us to climb to our position as the preferred accreditation supplier for the majority of major UK and International sports teams, stadia and major event organisers.

Benefits to your organisation of using Accredit Solutions

Accredit has been built in order to allow for the smooth and efficient accreditation of individuals who have access to major sporting events and venues, giving security, operations, IT, and accreditation teams the tools, they need to ensure the legality, security, and safety of their events against insider threats, reputational risk, corporate espionage and undocumented employment as well as providing operational efficiency. We have extensive experience of integration with other systems which are used as part of the event or venue operational process including access control, management systems and staff ID systems.

With offices in London, Dubai and Melbourne and a team managing projects globally, they service clients around the world and have ongoing projects in Australia, New Zealand, USA, Hong Kong, UK, Middle East and Asia.

Whether you need a way to profile day-to-day access for one hundred workers or manage efficient access to a major event for one million visitors, the Accredit system is self-managed, fully scalable and integrates with existing access control systems and technology platforms to provide a highly efficient way to protect your venue, event and members of the public. 

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