How to use Unnamed Passes


This guide shows you how to generate generic or unnamed passes in the Accredit system



1. Click "TOOLS"

Unnamed Passes can be found under Tools

Click 'TOOLS'

2. Click "Unnamed Passes"

Unnamed Passes

Click 'Unnamed Passes'

3. Click "Select"

This section allows you to generate any amount of impersonalised passes per Category, Responsible Organisation, Event and the Badge Template. After all details are submitted, the zones can also be selected.

Click 'Select'

4. Select the Event

Identify and select the relevant event

Select the Event

5. Select the Responsible Organization the passes are for

Select the Responsible Organisation you need to create the passes for

Select the Responsible Organization the passes are for

6. Select the applicable role for these passes

Select the role you want to produce the passes for

Select the applicable role for these passes

7. Enter the number of passes you need

Type in how many passes you need to create

Enter the number of passes you need

8. Select the applicable badge template

Select the badge template you want to print

Select the applicable badge template

9. Select all of the zones that apply for these unnamed passes

You can produce the badges with any zones combination

Select all of the zones that apply for these unnamed passes

10. You can select all at the top of the section or select zones individually

You can select all at the top of the section or select zones individually.

You can select all at the top of the section or select zones individually

11. Click "Submit"

Submit your selections to move forward with the process.

Click 'Submit'

12. Click "Toggle Selection" then select the badges you need to generate.

You can then produce the badges. Select the ones you need to produce beforehand.

Click 'Toggle Selection' then select the badges you need to generate.

13. Click "Export PDF"

Prepare to export your data as a PDF document

Click 'Export PDF'

14. Click "Confirm"

Confirm your choice to finalize the export

Click 'Confirm'

15. Click "Timestamp Badge Message Waiting for job process"

Monitor your job process through the timestamp message

Click 'Timestamp


Waiting for job process'

This guide covered the essential actions needed to produce unnamed passes effectively.
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