How To Create a New Event


This guide shows you how to create new Events in the Accredit system


This guide will walk you through the process of creating events.

1. Click "Events"

Navigate to Events page from Menu by click on “Events

Click 'Events'

2. Click "Add New"

Create a new event

Click 'Add New'

3. Click "Event 1"

Fill in all the details such as Name of Events, Dates etc.

Click 'Event 1'

4. Click "Accreditation From/To Media Accreditation From/To ..."

Choose the accreditation open and close dates. Events Dates and Media Open Dates.

Click 'Accreditation From/To

                        Media Accreditation From/To

5. Click "Status"

Ensure that the Status toggle is set to Enable

Click 'Status'

6. Click Save

Click Save to create the new Event.

Click Save

This guide covered the steps to create events, navigate event details, manage dates, access accreditation settings, and view the status in the Employee Training application
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